Wednesday, November 6, 2013


So this week in class we talked about fidelity and there were some pretty interesting insights. Infidelity is a slippery slope that is much easier to fall down than we like to think. It can start small but it will fall rapidly if we aren't consciously avoiding it. So here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:
   1. Control your thoughts. Really this is important for living a chaste life anyways. But especially
       when you get married don't let yourself think about, fantasize about or lust after people of the
       opposite sex. This includes fictional characters and actors. If you're going to be completely
       faithful to your spouse they should be the only one you're thinking about.
   2. Don't be alone with people of the opposite sex. The issue isn't trust, it's safety. Why put yourself
       in a risky situation. If you really love your spouse you should be doing everything you can to
       protect your marriage. So don't be alone in a private place with other people. Don't confide in
       people other than your spouse - it forms emotional attachments. Share your hopes and dreams,
       as well as your concerns and fears with your spouse, it'll help you grow closer together and
       strengthen your marriage.
   3. Avoid pornography at ALL costs! Again this is important for living a chaste life, but
       pornography can come in so many different forms. To really be safe, chase and ultimately
       faithful to your spouse avoid anything that arouses those emotions intended for procreation and
       marital intimacy. That could mean "chick flicks,"  and books in addition to marketed
       pornographic materials.
If you do those things you'll never have to worry about the more serious forms of infidelity, and you'll be able to avoid the pain and grief that are associated with it. The easiest way to steer clear of infidelity is to think of it this way - the only thing that should come before your spouse is God. Those two things are thing only things we are commanded to love with our whole hearts. If that is where our hearts are, we will be safe and happy looking forward to eternity with our spouses and children, and most importantly our loving Heavenly parents. So here's to my "some day" family and staying as far away from the slippery slope of infidelity as possible. Because even now "some day" is that important to me. 

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